Title: Urban Storm Water Design Storm water conveyance and Storage designs -- successfully used for senior design classes
This book, covering both storm water conveyance and storage designs, will be useful and resourceful because it provides theories, practices, and tools for storm water designs. It also addresses the prediction methods for rainfall and runoff form urban catchments, and storm water conveyance and storage designs. The book has been successfully used for senior design classes. Computer models for storm runoff predictions, flood channel design, storm sewer system design, and detention/retention/infiltration basin design were developed with support from the governments in the Denver metropolitan area, Colorado, USA. Over the years, this software has been recommended and accepted by several metropolitan areas in the US for storm water designs. Publ. WRP.
Chapter 1 - Storm Water System
Chapter 2 - Precipitation and Rainfall Statistics
Chapter 3 - Watershed Analysis
Chapter 4 - Rational Method for Peak Discharge
Chapter 5 - Rational Method for Runoff Hydrograph
Chapter 6 - Storm Sewer System Design
Chapter 7 - Flood Channel Design
Chapter 8 - Design of Detention Basin
Chapter 9 - Outlet System Design
Chapter 10 - Design of Infiltration Basin
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