Title: Using Specific Capacity
to Estimate Transmissivity: Field and Computer Methods |
Full scale pump tests are expensive and time consuming. It is often economically
prudent to use cost effective methods such as slug tests or permeameters to
estimate transmissivity, but the accuracy of these methods is debatable. An
alternative method uses drawdown data collected from a production well, which
is easy to obtain, especially where domestic wells are a concern. Previous field
methods offer results within a wide range of accuracy. Current computer methods
require an initial guess of transmissivity, rarely using the Theis equation.
This monograph provides methods, application and a user friendly computer program
that solves for transmissivity using specific capacity data obtained from a
production well. An accurate field method is given, along with a computer program
that corrects for well efficiency, well loss, and partial penetration in a confined
aquifer, and dewatering and well loss in an unconfined aquifer. Both field and
computer methods use variations of the Theis solution. The program, which will
be a valuable addition to any well hydraulics library, has been tested by hydrogeology
students and engineers. It is easy to use, offers fast results, and provides
a comprehensive output. Examples are provided along with an extensive and easy
to use µ, W(µ) and µW(µ) table. Step-by-step tutorials
are provided; a PC compatible computer with 640 K memory, a printer that compliments
your computer -- and common sense -- are all that are needed to run the program.
Publ. 1995 WRP.
USCET provides:
- A User Friendly Environment
- Field and Computer methods using the Theis equation
- An Extensive Output
- Fast Results
- Examples
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