Title: Transient Ground Water Hydraulics Price: US $68 (Previously Published: |
Transient Ground Water Hydraulics presents developments, formulas, and methods that engineers have found useful when making quantitative evaluations of ground water flow. The main emphasis is on transient phenomenain since in irrigated country transients are usually the rule, the main emphasis. The Dupuit-Forchheimer idealization is the basis for most of these developments. This idealization, which is described in the text, leads to partial differential equations which are nonlinear in form.
Chapter 1 Development of ground water use
Chapter 2 Basic differential equations
Chapter 3 Well drawing water at the constant rate Q from an aquifer
with a free water table
Chapter 4 The flowing artesian well
Chapter 5 Well with a semi-permeable bed overlying the aquifer
Chapter 6 Bank storage
Chapter 7 Line source
Chapter 8 Parallel drains
Chapter 9 Stream depletion due to a well
Chapter 10 The use of images and treatment of intermittent operation
Chapter 11 Effects of ground water drift
Chapter 12 Analogs and Digital Computers
Notation and definition of terms
Index to Tables
Selected References
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