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Title: Estimating Transmissivity from Step-Drawdown Tests
Author: Michael Kasenow, PHD and Paul Pare
Specifications: Softbound, 156 pp, Plus Software

ISBN-13: 978-1-887201-02-5
ISBN-10: 1-887201-15-7

Price: US $68
Cat No: STP

(FYI: Previously published with the wrong title ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF STEP-DRAWDOWN TESTS - ISBN: 9781887201155. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.)



This book provides in-depth knowledge, examples, and instruction in the use of current step-drawdown analytical methods, including solutions that can confirm results. The program solves for aquifer loss, well loss, specific capacity, transmissivity and more.


Chapter ONE
Step-Drawdown Methods
Well Loss Coefficient
Step-Drawdown Test: Jacob-Walton 3-Step Solution
Example 1: Jacob-Walton Solution
Example 2: Jacob-Walton Solution
Step-Drawdown Test: Kasenow's Solution
Example 3: Kasenow's Solution
Step-Drawdown Test: Bierschenk's Multiple Pumping
Rate Solution
Bierschenk's Method Using Regression Analysis

Chapter TWO
Estimating Transmissivity from Step-Drawdown Tests
Conventional Methods
Ogden's Method
Example Problem
Cooper-Jacob Graphical Method
Kasenow-Sheahan Z(µ) Solution
Variable Discharge Recovery Test
Kawecki's Method
Example Problem
Regression Analysis And Recovery Data After A
Variable Discharge Pump Test
Regression Analysis Example Problem


Chapter THREE
Step-Drawdown Test: Design and Problems
Planning a Step-Drawdown Test
Problem Indicators
Drawdown And The Production Well
The Skin Factor
The Effective Well Radius

Chapter FOUR
Determining Transmissivity Using The
Step-Test Computer Program
Bierschenk's Multiple Step-Drawdown Test: Example One
Bierschenk's Multiple Step-Drawdown Test: Example Two
Jacob-Walton 3-Step Drawdown Option
Kasenow's Step-Drawdown Test Option
Comparing Bierschenk And Kasenow Solutions
Step-Test Example Data

Appendix A: Table of µ, W(µ), µW(µ) and Z(µ)

Appendix B: Conversion Factors

Appendix C: More About the Step-Test Program

Appendix D: Regression Equations for Time-Drawdown



Here's what professional ground-water scientists are saying about Dr. Kasenow's research:

"He possesses a wonderfully articulate yet pragmatic method of conveying his thoughts, intuitions and application of theory. His work stands the test of time." -- Walter J. Bolt, Senior Project Manager, PM Environmental, Inc.

"Dr. Kasenow has shown both his creativity and drive to build on, rather than simply follow techniques developed by others. His books present relatively complex concepts in easy to understand graphic form without oversimplification." --- Dana R. Unangst, Project Manager, Insight Environmental Services, Inc.

"It is refreshing to see someone looking at alternatives to complicated and sometimes subjective curve matching techniques." --- Scott R. Green, Senior Hydrogeologist, Conestoga-Rovers & Associates.

"As President of a consulting firm, I am always concerned with balancing costs and providing clients with complete and thorough data evaluations. Dr. Kasenow's practical application techniques have allowed my firm to complete thorough data evaluations at lower costs. Once one uses Dr. Kasenow's data evaluation programs, you are left with the feeling of 'why did I waste my time with other programs?" --- Mark. B. Sweatman, CPG, President, Insight Environmental Services, Inc.

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