Author of the book:
Cybernetics in Water Resources Management (Cat. No. CWRM)
Dr. Branislav Djordjevic
Dr. BRANISLAV DJORDJEVIC is a professor of Hydraulic Engineering, Civil Engineering Department, University of Belgrade, teaching water resources systems and hydroelectric engineering. In the past he served as head of the hydraulic engineering chair. Prior to taking the university position in 1971, the author was chief engineer of Water Resources Institute "Jaroslav Cerni" in Belgrade.
During his 30 years of professional experience, Dr. Djordjevic has been active in many aspects of water resources development, including field investigation, research, planning, design, and operation of complex water resources systems, management, decision support and making, public relations and academic teaching. His narrower specialities are optimization of large multi-purpose water resources systems and hydroelectric power plants, especially the application of multi-criteria optimization methods. He was consultant for many projects of complex water resources systems in Yugoslavia, Asia, Africa, Peru, and others.
Professor Djordevic is the author of over 160 professional papers, many reports, four books and three monographs. He is the recipient of the special national annual award in science for the year 1984 as a result of publishing the two-volume book on hydroelectric engineering. As participant of many international and national conferences, he also served as the general rapporteur at several of them.
The author was the Yugoslavian delegate on the Committee for water resources problems of the United Nations European Economic Commission for a number of years. He is a member of several international associations; at present, he represents Yugoslavia on the Committee for water resources systems of the International Association for Hydrological Sciences. He also serves as the expert of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, and is the president of the Ministerial Scientific Council and the Water Development Fund of Serbia.