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Title: Advances in Water Monitoring Research
Tamim Younos
Specifications: Softcover, 244 pp

ISBN 13: 978-1-887201-33-9
ISBN 10: 1-887201-33-5

Price: US $65
Cat No: AWMR

Important current issues in Water Monitoring Science & Research, Policy, Information Transfer, and Technological Advances



This book presents current issues in water monitoring science, policy, information transfer, research, and advances in technology. Basic concepts discussed in the book include protocols and techniques of ecological restoration and confidence in the restoration process, using sound science in water quality monitoring, and relationship between policy development and monitoring capabilities. Methods of water monitoring and data interpretation for water-quality protection are discussed by presenting several case studies. The book provides an overview of the 21st century water monitoring technologies and their potential for water quality-protection. This book is best suitable as a reference for water monitoring agencies and graduate studies in water monitoring research. Publ. 2001, WRP.

MONITORING THE RESTORATION OF NATURAL CAPITAL: WATER AND LAND ECOSYSTEMS -- John Cairns, Jr. -- Introduction <<>> Monitoring <<>> Ecosystem Health <<>> Early Warning Systems <<>> Landscape Perspective And Integrated Management <<>> Ecological Restoration <<>> Informing The Public <<>> Early Societal Association With Rivers <<>> Influence Of Impoundment <<>> Restoring Sinuosity <<>> Restoring Flood Regimes To Generate Natural Capital <<>> Water Quality Restoration To Increase Natural Capital <<>> Monitoring Restoration Of Natural Capital That Is Centered On A Single Species <<>> Monitoring Riverine Natural Capital Restoration In Dry Regions <<>> The Role Of Species Refugia In Natural Capital Restoration <<>> Monitoring The Restoration Of Natural Capital In Land Ecosystems <<>> Coping With Terrestrial Exotic Species <<>> Monitoring Soil As Natural Capital <<>> Concluding Statement <<>> Acknowledgments <<>> References

INCORPORATING "SOUND SCIENCE" IN WATER QUALITY MONITORING -- Robert C. Ward -- Introduction <<>> Obtaining A "Sound Science" Label For Water Quality Monitoring <<>> Lessons From Other Disciplines <<>> Designing A Water Quality Information System Within A Peer Review Context <<>> Conclusions <<>> References

MONITORING ACHIEVEMENT OF THE WETLANDS NO NET LOSS POLICY -- Carl Hershner -- Introduction <<>> Identifying Wetlands <<>> Monitoring Wetlands <<>> Monitoring Protocols <<>> Status And Trends Of Wetland Functions <<>> The Policy-Monitoring Disjunction <<>> Connecting Policy And Monitoring <<>> References

DESIGN OF MONITORING SYSTEMS FOR EVALUATION OF BMP IMPACTS ON NONPOINT SOURCE POLLUTION -- Saied Mostaghimi -- Introduction <<>> Case Study: The Owl Run Watershed Bmp Evaluation Study <<>> Results And Discussion <<>> Conclusions <<>> References

SURFACE-WATER QUALITY TREND ANALYSIS: A MULTIPLE-SITE APPLICATION -- C. E. Zipper, G. I. Holtzman, P. F. Darken, R. E. Stewart, P. J. Thomas, J. J. Gildea -- Introduction <<>> Describing Water Quality Over Time <<>> A Multiple-Site Application <<>> Conclusions <<>> Acknowlegements <<>> References


BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT: A NECESSARY TOOL FOR STATE WATER RESOURCES AGENCIES -- Michael T. Barbour, June L. Burton -- The Role Of Bioassessment In Water Regulations <<>> Challenge To State Water Resource Agencies <<>> Overview Of State Bioassessment Programs In The U.S. <<>> The Status Of Bioassessment In Virginia <<>> Developing A Regionally-Calibrated Index For Virginia Streams <<>> References

BACTERIAL SOURCE TRACKING: A TOOL FOR TOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOAD DEVELOPMENT -- J. Kern, B. Petrauskas, P. McClellan, V. O. Shanholtz, C. Hagedorn -- Introduction <<>> Bacterial Source Tracking <<>> Source Identification <<>> BST Application To TMDL Modeling <<>> Conclusions <<>> Acknowledgements <<>> References

ESTIMATING NONPOINT SOURCE FECAL COLIFORM SOURCES USING DNA PROFILE ANALYSIS -- George M. Simmons, Jr., Donald F. Waye, Sue Herbein, Sharon Myers, Ellen Walker -- Introduction <<>> Watershed Characteristics <<>> Methods <<>> Results And Discussion <<>> Summary <<>> References

EVALUATING CONTAMINATED MINE DRAINAGE USING HYPERSPECTRAL TECHNIQUES -- John E. Anderson, Kimberly Royal, Alan Bishop -- Introduction <<>> Study Site <<>> Methods <<>> Field And Image Spectral Results <<>> Conclusions <<>> References

LAKE WATER CLARITY ASSESSMENT OF MINNESOTA'S TEN THOUSAND LAKES: A COMPREHESIVE VIEW FROM SPACE -- Leif G. Olmanson, Patrick L. Brezonik, Steve M. Kloiber, Marvin E. Bauer and Erin E. Day -- Introduction <<>> Methods <<>> Example Applications <<>> Conclusions <<>> Acknowledgements

IN SEARCH OF TECHNOLOGIES FOR MONITORING RIVER DISCHARGE -- Ralph T. Cheng, John E. Costa, F. Peter Haeni, Nick B. Melcher and Earl M. Thurman -- Introduction <<>> Searching For New Technologies <<>> Proof-Of-Concept Experiment <<>> Discussion And Conclusions <<>> References

OPTRODES FOR LONG-TERM REMOTE MONITORING OF WATER QUALITY -- Sean M. Christian, Paul G. Duncan, Timothy C. Mack, John A. Schroeder -- Introduction <<>> Overview Of Chemical Optrodes <<>> Conclusions <<>> Acknowledgements <<>> References

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