Title: Advances
in Water Monitoring Research ISBN 13: 978-1-887201-33-9 Important current issues in Water Monitoring Science & Research, Policy, Information Transfer, and Technological Advances |
MONITORING THE RESTORATION OF NATURAL CAPITAL: WATER AND LAND ECOSYSTEMS -- John Cairns, Jr. -- Introduction <<>> Monitoring <<>> Ecosystem Health <<>> Early Warning Systems <<>> Landscape Perspective And Integrated Management <<>> Ecological Restoration <<>> Informing The Public <<>> Early Societal Association With Rivers <<>> Influence Of Impoundment <<>> Restoring Sinuosity <<>> Restoring Flood Regimes To Generate Natural Capital <<>> Water Quality Restoration To Increase Natural Capital <<>> Monitoring Restoration Of Natural Capital That Is Centered On A Single Species <<>> Monitoring Riverine Natural Capital Restoration In Dry Regions <<>> The Role Of Species Refugia In Natural Capital Restoration <<>> Monitoring The Restoration Of Natural Capital In Land Ecosystems <<>> Coping With Terrestrial Exotic Species <<>> Monitoring Soil As Natural Capital <<>> Concluding Statement <<>> Acknowledgments <<>> References INCORPORATING "SOUND SCIENCE" IN WATER QUALITY MONITORING -- Robert C. Ward -- Introduction <<>> Obtaining A "Sound Science" Label For Water Quality Monitoring <<>> Lessons From Other Disciplines <<>> Designing A Water Quality Information System Within A Peer Review Context <<>> Conclusions <<>> References MONITORING ACHIEVEMENT OF THE WETLANDS NO NET LOSS POLICY -- Carl Hershner -- Introduction <<>> Identifying Wetlands <<>> Monitoring Wetlands <<>> Monitoring Protocols <<>> Status And Trends Of Wetland Functions <<>> The Policy-Monitoring Disjunction <<>> Connecting Policy And Monitoring <<>> References DESIGN OF MONITORING SYSTEMS FOR EVALUATION OF BMP IMPACTS ON NONPOINT SOURCE POLLUTION -- Saied Mostaghimi -- Introduction <<>> Case Study: The Owl Run Watershed Bmp Evaluation Study <<>> Results And Discussion <<>> Conclusions <<>> References SURFACE-WATER QUALITY TREND ANALYSIS: A MULTIPLE-SITE APPLICATION -- C. E. Zipper, G. I. Holtzman, P. F. Darken, R. E. Stewart, P. J. Thomas, J. J. Gildea -- Introduction <<>> Describing Water Quality Over Time <<>> A Multiple-Site Application <<>> Conclusions <<>> Acknowlegements <<>> References |
BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT: A NECESSARY TOOL FOR STATE WATER RESOURCES AGENCIES -- Michael T. Barbour, June L. Burton -- The Role Of Bioassessment In Water Regulations <<>> Challenge To State Water Resource Agencies <<>> Overview Of State Bioassessment Programs In The U.S. <<>> The Status Of Bioassessment In Virginia <<>> Developing A Regionally-Calibrated Index For Virginia Streams <<>> References BACTERIAL SOURCE TRACKING: A TOOL FOR TOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOAD DEVELOPMENT -- J. Kern, B. Petrauskas, P. McClellan, V. O. Shanholtz, C. Hagedorn -- Introduction <<>> Bacterial Source Tracking <<>> Source Identification <<>> BST Application To TMDL Modeling <<>> Conclusions <<>> Acknowledgements <<>> References ESTIMATING NONPOINT SOURCE FECAL COLIFORM SOURCES USING DNA PROFILE ANALYSIS -- George M. Simmons, Jr., Donald F. Waye, Sue Herbein, Sharon Myers, Ellen Walker -- Introduction <<>> Watershed Characteristics <<>> Methods <<>> Results And Discussion <<>> Summary <<>> References EVALUATING CONTAMINATED MINE DRAINAGE USING HYPERSPECTRAL TECHNIQUES -- John E. Anderson, Kimberly Royal, Alan Bishop -- Introduction <<>> Study Site <<>> Methods <<>> Field And Image Spectral Results <<>> Conclusions <<>> References LAKE WATER CLARITY ASSESSMENT OF MINNESOTA'S TEN THOUSAND LAKES: A COMPREHESIVE VIEW FROM SPACE -- Leif G. Olmanson, Patrick L. Brezonik, Steve M. Kloiber, Marvin E. Bauer and Erin E. Day -- Introduction <<>> Methods <<>> Example Applications <<>> Conclusions <<>> Acknowledgements IN SEARCH OF TECHNOLOGIES FOR MONITORING RIVER DISCHARGE -- Ralph T. Cheng, John E. Costa, F. Peter Haeni, Nick B. Melcher and Earl M. Thurman -- Introduction <<>> Searching For New Technologies <<>> Proof-Of-Concept Experiment <<>> Discussion And Conclusions <<>> References OPTRODES FOR LONG-TERM REMOTE MONITORING OF WATER QUALITY -- Sean M. Christian, Paul G. Duncan, Timothy C. Mack, John A. Schroeder -- Introduction <<>> Overview Of Chemical Optrodes <<>> Conclusions <<>> Acknowledgements <<>> References |
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