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Download Free Demo copy: English French

Purchase HYFRAN-Plus:


Click here for Software DESCRIPTION and SPECIFICATIONS

The following three HYFRAN-Plus Guide documents are now available. Free download guides.
French version of the guide
English version of the guide

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ: English

FAQ: French

HYFRAN+ Troubleshooting Q&A


Title: HYFRAN-PLUS software
Author: Chair in Statistical Hydrology, INRS-ETE, (B. Bobée et al., 2008)
Specifications: Version 2.2, (available in English and French)
Price: US $400 ....... Additional copies US $200


(1) In order to purchase a copy of HYRAN-PLUS you must have a DEMO VERSION downloaded onto your computer. You may download and test the DEMO VERSION of HYFRAN-PLUS (however some options are not available in the DEMO VERSION) and if it is not satisfactory, simply delete all the files/folders. Click Here to download Demo Version: English French

(2) After downloading and installing the software you will be able to order the product from WRP in order to access the full version.

(3) To purchase the product, fill in the order form with the product number and user name of your Demo copy of HYFRAN-PLUS. The product number appears on the screen once the demo version is launched. The user name is created by the client.

(4) Once your payment has been processed, you will receive your user name and password in order to register your copy and activate the FULL VERSION.

(5) Additional copies of the HYFRAN-PLUS software are available to licensed users at a discount price of $200 US each, (HOWEVER in order to process your order please complete Steps 1-3 and include the new product number, previous product number, and payment.)

(6) Previously licensed users of HYFRAN may upgrade to HYFRAN-PLUS license at a price of $200 US, (the previous product number of HYFRAN must be included).

Please note : WARNING! After the software has been installed on a computer, it can only be used on that computer and can not be reinstalled on the same computer nor on another computer (it is not transferable). If you have a computer failure or purchase a new computer, you would need to purchase another copy of the software.


You CANNOT download more than one demo version onto the same computer. More than one version will cause the software to malfuction and the password will not work and you will have to purchase another license.

Before downloading, ALL previous demo versions MUST BE UNINSTALLED including deleting all INRS files/folders.

EACH demo version of the software has a UNIQUE product number. The product number of the demo version is needed to get the password in order to activate the UNIQUE demo version. The product number appears on the screen when the demo version is launched.

!!!AGAIN - The product number you send to WRP MUST corresponds to the UNIQUE demo version installed on your computer!!!

Once we send you the password that is associated with the product number you provided WRP, ANY CHANGES such as: downloading another demo version onto the same computer; a computer crash; a new computer, or system updates: You will have to purchase another password for $200.00.


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